Rubber centre stop for double gates. Can be driven over without damage to tires or the stop.
Adjustable bolt down centre stop for double gates with location slots for locking bolts.
Galvanised centre stop for double gates. Safe and strong this stop has a removable top with a fixing plate below which can be bolted to the ground or attach a leg and concrete in. Can be driven over without damage to tires or the stop. Front of plate 20mm high. Rear of plate 40mm high. Ideal gate to ground clearance 25mm.
Bolt down galvanised stop with rubber stopper. Ideal for swing gate opening stops or sliding gate stops.100mm x 75mm base with 120mm high.
STOPBOLT - $22.30
Galvanised bolt down stop for sliding gates with inbuilt spring to take up the end tension and allow easy release.
SPRINGSTOP - $112.00